Understand that as a seller you are the broker's employer. The broker also has by law, a fiduciary duty to you and is charged with trying to get you the best possible price and terms for your property.
Here is a personal example that millions of men around the world should be able to identify with (and women too). Even with the advances real estate in Marbella. shaving technology most men continue to experience discomfort during and after shaving, especially when the blades tug, pull and often cut the skin. Ouch!
Although housing has shown feeble signs of recovery, this economy has been a wake-up call to investors who thought they could ride a never-ending real estate development.-estate bubble for condo projects, land sub-divisions or international real estate in hot markets like Costa Rica, Mexico or Belize. Then there's commercial and office real estate, where many institutional investors have recently taken enormous losses.
You have a nanosecond to make a first impression with your head shot or video. You want to make a lasting first impression. What benalus real estate if all of the salespeople in our luxury store stood like statues with their arms crossed smiling at you? Some photographer somewhere along the line came up with this pose, which is supposed to convey "professionalism" and it has been copied thousands of times by real estate company or service. estate agents all over the country. What do crossed arms mean to you with or without a smile?
On the other hand, I met a lot of great people who love the stress and busyness and action of being a real estate agent. They are mostly people who love to help people. Some of them just enjoy the business, while others enjoy it and make a lot of money.
Don't spread yourself too thin: I know that I am not the only one that has ever piled too much on to his/her plate. Over committing to too many deals at one time (on more than one occasion) has almost cost me my entire bank roll. Unless you have completed more than 15-20 transactions, it will be wise to complete one deal, get it cash-flowing, then move onto the next.
Dive deeper into the pursuits of your high net worth clients. This is a requirement for those of you who seek to achieve top-of-mind status in your luxury real estate marketplace.